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J & T Basque Restaurant
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: May 25, 2009
Caption: J & T Basque Restaurant
Additional Description: Per, "This wooden building that was brought from Virginia City to Genoa in 1895, and then later to Gardnerville, tells quite a story. It was purchased in 1954 by John and Grace Jaunsaras and Jimmy and Grace Trounday, thus its name the JT (Jaunsaras and Trounday). In 1960 Jean (and Shirley) Lekumberry and Jean's brother Pete Lekumberry, bought it and kept it Basque. Pete returned to the Basque Country and Jean continued the operation until 1993 when he died of a heart attack. Since that time his children, Mary Louise and Jean Baptiste Lekumberry have continued the business. The bar and restaurant reflect a western flavor, there is even a piano and a juke box that plays both American and Basque music. The bar houses a collection of hats as well as a dollar bill collection hanging from the ceiling. The Basque weekly Herria comes regularly from the Basque Country and is always available at the bar for customers to read..."
Submitted: November 5, 2009, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p83935
File Size: 2.110 Megabytes

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