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"Dancer" above the main entrance of the Buckingham Hotel.
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: September 4, 2009
Caption: "Dancer" above the main entrance of the Buckingham Hotel.
Additional Description: Immediately to the left of the Buckingham Hotel entrance is a plaque describing the glass window above the hotel entrance by artist Jose Ortega: "The stained glass Dancer was commissioned by the Buckingham Hotel in homage to West 57th Street's tradition of art glass as well as its place in musical history. The work is 80 square feet and was constructed from over 35 colors of glass - some layered over other - hand made in Germany. It has come to be called "The Dancing King" because of its association of the Buckingham Hotel, which has been home to such great performers as pianists Ignacy Paderewski and Van Cliburn, dancer-choreographer Albertina Rasch, and jazz sax Gato Barbieri and opera legends Giuseppe de Luca and Regina Resnik....
Submitted: November 8, 2009, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p84442
File Size: 0.395 Megabytes

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