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McConnell House
Photographer: Michael Sean Nix
Taken: November 14, 2009
Caption: McConnell House
Additional Description: By the late 1700s and early 1800s, many families had lived here for a generation or more and their homes reflected an improvement in living standards. This house, made from hewn logs, was covered with clapboard on the outside and whitewashed inside. The owners were farmers who raised corn, wheat, oats, flax, tobacco and cotton, and tended livestock like hogs and cattle for their own use and to sell. People sold livestock, tobacco, hides, goose feathers, beeswax and hemp to buy gunpowder, salt and furnishings such as chairs, ironware, pottery, and blankets. This circa 1820s house was moved from present day McConnells, South Carolina.
Submitted: November 14, 2009, by Michael Sean Nix of Spartanburg, South Carolina.
Database Locator Identification Number: p85631
File Size: 1.432 Megabytes

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