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Teodoro Ramirez
Photographer: Bill Kirchner
Taken: January 30, 2010
Caption: Teodoro Ramirez
Additional Description: [This plaque is on the northwest side of the sculpture.]:
Teodoro Ramirez
1791 - 1871
Merchant, rancher, scholar, teacher, and peacemaker. Teodoro Ramirez was a leading citizen of early Tucson. As the primary merchant serving the Presidio, he was instrumental in the friendly exchange of goods and supplies with the Mormon Battalion. Fluent in many languages, he served, when needed, as interpreter among the native peoples, the church, and the government. Ramirez was appointed the first U.S. Justice of the Peace in Arizona.
Submitted: January 31, 2010, by Bill Kirchner of Tucson, Arizona.
Database Locator Identification Number: p94730
File Size: 2.826 Megabytes

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