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Sloss Furnaces Historic Landmark
Photographer: Tim Carr
Taken: February 12, 2010
Caption: Sloss Furnaces Historic Landmark
Additional Description: Here at Sloss, the raw iron ore is brought in from the mines by train. The ore is then loaded into the furnace along with limestone and coke to be smelted into iron. After being heated at high temperatures the bottom of the furnace is taped and the molten iron flows out into channels of molds. The molds form ingots called pig iron. The pig iron is then sold and shipped to other factories to be remelted into steel products. Sloss Furnaces is the only remaining blast furnaces still standing in Birmingham, Alabama.
Submitted: March 8, 2010, by Timothy Carr of Birmingham, Alabama.
Database Locator Identification Number: p99661
File Size: 0.303 Megabytes

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