“Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History”
“Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History”
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Historical Markers in Comus, Maryland

Clickable Map of Montgomery County, Maryland and Immediately Adjacent Jurisdictions image/svg+xml 2019-10-06 U.S. Census Bureau, Abe.suleiman; Lokal_Profil;; J.J.Prats/dc:title> Montgomery County, MD (752) Frederick County, MD (558) Howard County, MD (143) Prince George s County, MD (644) Washington, DC (2607) Arlington County, VA (461) Fairfax County, VA (709) Loudoun County, VA (345)  MontgomeryCounty(752) Montgomery County (752)  FrederickCounty(558) Frederick County (558)  HowardCounty(143) Howard County (143)  PrinceGeorge'sCounty(644) Prince George's County (644)   D.C.(2607) Washington (2607)  (461) Arlington County (461)  FairfaxCounty(709) Fairfax County (709)  LoudounCounty(345) Loudoun County (345)
Rockville is the county seat for Montgomery County
Dickerson is in Montgomery County
      Montgomery County (752)  
      Frederick County (558)  
      Howard County (143)  
      Prince George's County (644)  
      Washington, D.C. (2607)  
      Arlington County, Virginia (461)  
      Fairfax County, Virginia (709)  
      Loudoun County, Virginia (345)  
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Touch blue arrow, or on map, to go there.
1 Maryland, Montgomery County, Dickerson, Comus — Comus Inn
Near Old Hundred Road (Maryland Route 109) at Comus Road, on the left when traveling north.
This property is listed in the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of InteriorMap (db m156134) HM
2 Maryland, Montgomery County, Dickerson, Comus — Mt. Ephraim CrossroadsSharpshooters Hold the Line — Antietam Campaign 1862
Near Old Hundred Road (Maryland Route 109) at Comus Road (Maryland Route 95), on the left when traveling north. Reported missing.
You are looking at Sugarloaf Mountain, where the running cavalry fight that began in the late afternoon on September 9, 1862, in Barnesville came to a halt. By the next morning, the 7th and 9th Virginia Cavalry had been brought to bay here at the . . . Map (db m1683) HM
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