“Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History”
“Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History”
St. Andrews in Charlotte County, New Brunswick — The Atlantic Provinces (North America)

Blockhouse 101

Introduction aux blockhaus

Blockhouse 101 Marker image. Click for full size.
Photographed By Barry Swackhamer, June 10, 2014
1. Blockhouse 101 Marker
Click on image to enlarge it.
Captions (presented in English, then French; top to bottom): How did they work? Here’s how blockhouses were used:; Comment étaient-ils utilise? Voici comment les soldats utilisaient les blockhaus:.
• Loopholes on both levels allowed infantrymen to fires upon an approaching enemy.; Les fantassins tiraient sur l’ennemi en plaçant leurs armes dans les meurtrières pratiquées au rez-de-chaussée et à l’étage.
• Large openings upstairs allowed soldiers to fire a small cannon.; Des ouvertures plus grandes permettaient aux soldats de tirer un petit canon depuis l’étage.
• The second floor overhang offered additional loopholes in the floor which allowed soldiers to fire their muskets downward if the enemy got too close.; Dans la partie en port-à-faux de l’etage, le plancher était percé de meurtrières permettant aux soldats de tirer vers le sol si l’ennemi atteignait le blockhaus.
• Material to maintain and operate the battery could be stored upstairs.; Le matériel nécessarie à l’entretien et au fonctionnement de la batterie pouvait être rangé à l’étage.
• A small number of soldiers could use the main level as a barracks.; Le rez-de-chaussée pouvait servir de caserne à un petit nombre de soldats.
Without the covering fire from the blockhouse, hostile forces could capture the battery’s guns and turn them back on the town.; Sans les tirs de protection provenant des blockhaus, les forces hostiles pouvaient s’emparer des canons de la batterie et les retourner contre le village.
Inscription. English on left

What kind of house?
A blockhouse is a modest fortified building with a distinctive overhanging upper level. In 18th- and 19th-century North America, both Britain and the United States built many blockhouses for defence purposes. They were usually constructed of local material such as wood and could be put up relatively quickly and cheaply. This blockhouse is one of three built in St. Andrews to defend the batteries of guns that protected the harbour and river, primarily from enemy privateers.

French on right

De quel genre de construction s’agit-il?
Le blockhaus est un modeste ouvrage fortifie qui se reconnait lacilement a son etage en surplomb. Dan l’Amérique du Nord des 18 et 19 siècles, la Grand Bretagne et les Etats-Unis construisirent de nombreux pour defendre leur territoire. Ces ouvrages étaient généralement faits de matériaux locaux, tels que la bois, et pouvaient être eriges assez rapidement et a relativement peu de frais. St. Andrews construisit trois blockhaus incluant celui-ci, pour défendre les batteries de tir qui protégeaient le port et la rivière, principalement contre les corsaires ennemis.

Sidebar on right; English on top, French on the bottom

The 104th Regiment
Among the military units stationed at the
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blockhouse were members of the 104th Regiment of Foot, or New Brunswick Regiment. The 104th are still remembered for their march from Fredericton, New Brunswick to Kingston, Ontario, to reinforce the troops there - a trek in severe winter conditions which began in mid-February 1813 and lasted 52 days!. The 104th then took part in several battles to repel American incursions into Ontario.

Le 104ᵉ Régiment Le blockhaus était notamment tenu par les membres du 104ᵉ Régiment de fantassins, également appelé New Brunswick Regiment. Le militaires du 104ᵉ devinrent célèbres pour la march qu-ils entreprirent de Fredericton, au Nouveau Brunswick, à Kingston, en Ontario, oú ils avaient été appelés en renfort - une expédition qui débuta à la mi-fêvrier 1813 dans des conditions hivernales sévères et qui dura 52 jours! Le 104 pit ensuite par à plusieurs batailles pour repousser des incursions américaines en Ontario.
Erected by Parks Canada.
Topics. This historical marker is listed in these topic lists: Forts and CastlesWar of 1812. A significant historical year for this entry is 1813.
Location. 45° 4.622′ N, 67° 3.711′ W. Marker is in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, in Charlotte County. Marker is on Joes Point Road close to Harriet Street, on the right when traveling east. Touch for map
Blockhouse 101 Marker image. Click for full size.
Photographed By Barry Swackhamer, June 10, 2014
2. Blockhouse 101 Marker
Of the two markers beside the blockhouse, this marker is on the left.
. Marker is at or near this postal address: 23 Joes Point Road, St Andrews NB E5B, Canada. Touch for directions.
Other nearby markers. At least 8 other markers are within walking distance of this marker. War of 1812: Defending St. Andrews (here, next to this marker); Two hundred years and counting (a few steps from this marker); St. Andrews Blockhouse (a few steps from this marker); Welcome, Enjoy your visit! (within shouting distance of this marker); Wartime legacies (within shouting distance of this marker); Greenock Church / L’Église Greenock (approx. 0.6 kilometers away); St. Croix River (approx. 0.8 kilometers away); Lest We Forget (approx. 0.8 kilometers away). Touch for a list and map of all markers in St. Andrews.
More about this marker. This marker is beside the blockhouse.
Also see . . .  Blockhouse - Wikipedia. Originally blockhouses were often constructed as part of a large plan, to "block" access to vital points in the scheme. But from the Age of Exploration to the nineteenth century standard patterns of blockhouses were constructed for defence in frontier areas, particularly South Africa, New Zealand, Canada,[4] and the United States. (Submitted on September 22, 2014, by Barry Swackhamer of Brentwood, California.) 
Credits. This page was last revised on June 16, 2016. It was originally submitted on September 22, 2014, by Barry Swackhamer of Brentwood, California. This page has been viewed 466 times since then and 23 times this year. Photos:   1, 2. submitted on September 22, 2014, by Barry Swackhamer of Brentwood, California. • Andrew Ruppenstein was the editor who published this page.

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