“Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History”
“Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History”
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Bells and Whistles: Signaling Marker image, Touch for more information
By Tom Bosse, December 31, 2023
Bells and Whistles: Signaling Marker
1 South Carolina, Aiken County, Aiken — Bells and Whistles: Signaling
Near Union Street SE north of Sea Lane SE, on the left when traveling south.
Imagine if steam locomotives still ran through here. It would be so loud you might not hear the person next to you. Because of the noise, railroad engineers used bells and whistles to alert passengers and workers that a train was arriving at . . . Map (db m238824) HM
2 South Carolina, Aiken County, Aiken — Fast Food: Railroad Dining
Near Union Street SE north of Sea Lane SE, on the left when traveling south.
Dining cars did not become standard equipment on railroads until after the Civil War. Before food was served on trains, meal options for passengers were less than appetizing. Roadhouses near regular train water-stops offered a limited selection of . . . Map (db m238826) HM
3 South Carolina, Aiken County, Aiken — How a Steam Engine Works
Near Union Street SE north of Sea Lane SE, on the left when traveling south.
The steam engine had a dramatic impact on the development of transportation and industry in the 19th century. Indeed, it was the steam engine that powered the industrial revolution. How does a steam engine work? The principal is simple. Water . . . Map (db m238827) HM
4 South Carolina, Aiken County, Aiken — City of Aiken: A Glimpse Into Our Past
Near Union Street SE north of Sea Lane SE, on the left when traveling south.
Visitors to Aiken, today, arrive via interstates and airlines. Our Visitors Center and Train Museum stands as a reminder of the impact that the railway made on the establishment of this fine city. From Hitchcock Woods (one of America's largest . . . Map (db m238830) HM
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