“Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History”
“Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History”
Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain — Southwestern Europe (Iberian Peninsula)

Josefina Arruti

Unha Muller Solidaria

Josefina Arruti Marker image. Click for full size.
Photographed By Andrew Ruppenstein, September 9, 2023
1. Josefina Arruti Marker
A dureza con que Josefina Arruti foi tratada tras of golpe militar non impediu que se convertese nunha muller especialmente solidaria con outras vítimas da barbarie fascista. No tempo do medo abriu as portas do panteón familiar para acoller os restos mortais de ducias de represaliados. O 12 de novembro de 1936 foi o corpo sen vida do seu bo amigo Paulo Novás. Anos despois, as cinzas de moitos outros asasinados que foran enterrados nun primeiro momento noutros lugares. Entre eles, Victor Casas, Xohán Carballeira, ou o alcalde de Marín, Antonio Blanco.

28 de abril de 1906
Nace na praza de Peregrina de Pontevedra Josefina Milagros Arruti Viaño, a menor das tres fillas de Angel Arruti e Tolentina Viano

Despois de pasar a infancia a cabalo entre Pontevedra e Ponte Caldelas, onde o seu pai exercia como médico, a morte deste fai que se traslade definitivamente a vivir á casa dos Viaño, na Praza da Peregrina. A súa nai tamén morrera cando ela tiña só 3 anos.

17 de abril de 1929
Casa na igrexa da Peregrina con Bibiano Fernández Osorio-Tafall que, coa
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chegada da Il Republica, é elixido alcalde de Pontevedra e tamén presidente da Deputación. En 1930 nace José Angel, en 1932 Maria del Carmen e en 1934 Manuel.

Febreiro do 36
Logo da vitoria da Fronte Popular, Osorio-Tafall é nomeado Subsecretario de Gobernación e a familia trasládase a Madrid O fillo pequeno, que ainda non cumprira dous anos, queda en Pontevedra a cargo da avoa paterna, Emilia Osorio.

12 de xullo do 36
Josefina regresa a Pontevedra para pasar as vacacións coas crianzas. O seu home comprométese a viaxar as fins de semana pero a sublevación militar en Africa impidelle facelo.

18 de xullo do 36
O golpe de Estado divide o territorio en dous. Bibiano está en Madrid e á súa familia en Pontevedra, Josefina axiña é detida e ainda que nunca chega a ser xulgada, pasa 18 meses no cárcere e outros dous anos en arresto domiciliario. As tres criaturas quedan tamén retidas durante oito meses na sua casa de Benito Corbal. No baixo está o cuartel, onde a cotío se producen rapas, malleiras e asasinato.

1 de abril de 1939
Coa fin da guerra, Josefina pode abandonar o seu domicilio pero nin os tres anos e medio de reclusión a preparan para o desprezo da xente que antes a adulaba por ser a muller do alcalde. Tras intentar, sen éxito, reagrupar a familia, Bibiano marcha ao exilio.
Josefina Arruti Marker - wide view image. Click for full size.
Photographed By Andrew Ruppenstein, September 9, 2023
2. Josefina Arruti Marker - wide view
Non regresa ata a chegada da democracia.

Anos 40
A década dos 40 foi especialmente dura para Josefina Arruti. O ostracismo ao que a condenou a sociedade pontevedresa sumouse aos problemas económicos, e para poderlle dar estudos á descendencia converteu a súa casa de Benito Corbal nunha pensión. Pero a dor máis fonda foi a que lle provocou o afastamento do seu home, que a culpou inxustamente dos fracasados intentos de reagrupación familiar e refixo a súa vida no exilio xunto a outra muller.

Anos 80
Medio século despois do golpe de Estado, Bibiano regresa por vez primeira a Galiza. Medio século despois consegue reencontrarse de vez coas tres criaturas que a guerra lle arrebatara, pero viaxa coa nai do seu cuarto fillo e non ve a Josefina. Nunca volverán a atoparse.

13 de agosto de 1990
Bibiano Fernández Osorio-Tafall fina en México. A súa última vontade é que o leven a Galiza e Josefina Arruti permite que sexa enterrado no panteón familiar de san Amaro, onde xa descansaban ducias de represaliados.

24 de outubro de 2003
Josefina Arruti Viaño morre en Pontevedra aos 97 anos de idade, e é enterrada no mesmo panteón ca Bibiano. Durante décadas foi lugar de peregrinación para as familias dos asasinados a quen Josefina deu acubillo.

(English translation:)

Marker detail: Josefina Arruti image. Click for full size.
3. Marker detail: Josefina Arruti
harshness with which Josefina Arruti was treated after of military coup did not prevent her from becoming one woman especially supportive of other victims of the fascist barbarism. During the time of fear she opened the doors of the family burial to host the mortal remains of dozens of reprisals. On November 12, 1936 it was the lifeless body of her good friend Paulo Novás. Years later, the ashes of many others who had been killed, who had been buried previously in others places. Among them were, Victor Casas, Xohán Carballeira, and the mayor of Marín, Antonio Blanco.

April 28, 1906
Josefina Milagros Arruti Viaño is born in Peregrina square in Pontevedra, the youngest of the three daughters of Angel Arruti and Tolentina Viano.

After spending her childhood on horseback between Pontevedra and Ponte Caldelas, where her father worked as a doctor, the latter's death meant that she permanently moved to live at the Viaños' house, in Praza da Peregrina. Her mother also died when she was only 3 years old.

April 17, 1929
Married in the Peregrina church to Bibiano Fernández Osorio-Tafall who, with the arrival of Il Republica, is elected mayor of Pontevedra and also president of the Provincial Council. Of her three children, José Angel was born in 1930, Maria del Carmen in 1932 and Manuel in 1934.

Marker detail: Josefina Arruti image. Click for full size.
4. Marker detail: Josefina Arruti
After the Popular Front's victory, Osorio-Tafall was appointed Undersecretary of the Interior and the family moved to Madrid. The youngest son, who had not yet turned two years old, was left in Pontevedra in the care of his paternal grandmother, Emilia Osorio.

July 12, 1936
Josefina returns to Pontevedra to spend the holidays with her children. Her husband agrees to travel on weekends but the military uprising in Africa prevented him from doing so.

July 18, 1936
The coup d'état divides the country in two. Bibiano is in Madrid and his family in Pontevedra, Josefina is quickly arrested and although she is never tried, she spends 18 months in prison and another two years under house arrest. The three children were also held for eight months in Benito Corbal's house. Downstairs is the barracks, where robberies, beatings and murders occurred on a daily basis.

April 1, 1939
With the end of the war, Josefina can leave her home, but not even the three and a half years of confinement prepare her for the contempt of the people who used to flatter her for being the mayor's wife. After unsuccessfully trying to reunite the family, Bibiano goes into exile. He does not return until the advent of democracy.

The decade of the 1940s was especially hard for Josefina Arruti. The ostracism
Marker detail: Josefina Arruti image. Click for full size.
5. Marker detail: Josefina Arruti
to which the Pontevedra society condemned her added to the economic problems, and in order to give education to her children, she turned the Benito Corbal house into a boarding house. But the deepest pain was caused by the estrangement from her husband, who unfairly blamed her for the failed attempts at family reunification and rebuilt his life in exile with another woman.

Half a century after the coup, Bibiano returns to Galicia for the first time. Half a century later, he manages to reunite once and for all with the three children that the war had taken from him, but he traveled with the mother of his fourth child and does not see Josefina. They will never meet again.

August 13, 1990
Bibiano Fernández Osorio-Tafall dies in Mexico. His last wish is to be taken to Galicia and Josefina Arruti allows him to be buried in the family cemetery of San Amaro, where dozens of reprisal victims were already laid to rest.

October 24, 2003
Josefina Arruti Viaño dies in Pontevedra at the age of 97, and is buried in the same pantheon as Bibiano. For decades it was a place of pilgrimage for the families of the murdered to whom Josefina gave shelter.
Erected 2020 by Concello de Pontevedra.
Topics. This historical marker is listed in these topic lists: Government & Politics
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Women. A significant historical date for this entry is April 28, 1906.
Location. 42° 25.296′ N, 8° 38.3′ W. Marker is in Pontevedra, Galicia. Marker is at the intersection of Avenida de Josefina Arruti and Rúa da Estacion, on the right when traveling north on Avenida de Josefina Arruti. Touch for map. Marker is in this post office area: Pontevedra, Galicia 36003, Spain. Touch for directions.
Other nearby markers. At least 8 other markers are within walking distance of this marker. Don Claudio Gonzalez Zuñiga (approx. 1.1 kilometers away); Don Perfecto Feijoó Poncet (approx. 1.2 kilometers away); Arturo Souto (approx. 1.2 kilometers away); I Congreso Do Doreito Galego / First Congess of Galician Law (approx. 1.2 kilometers away); Spanish Coup of 1936 Victims Memorial (approx. 1.3 kilometers away); Ruins of Santo Domingo Church (approx. 1.3 kilometers away); Monumento al Soldado (Monument to the Soldier) (approx. 1.3 kilometers away); Don Casto Méndez Núñez (approx. 1.4 kilometers away). Touch for a list and map of all markers in Pontevedra.
Also see . . .
1. Josefina Arruti ya tiene más que una calle: un panel… (Pontevedra Viva, Nov. 27, 2020). Full title, translated: Josefina Arruti has more than a street named after her: a historical marker reveals her role in the face of Franco's repression
Excerpt (in translation): After unveiling the panel, the mayor assured that this initiative, which is part of the program A memoria das ménires seeks to make visible the presence and importance that women had in the history of Pontevedra, and that they are examples that "we must know". In this way, people walking along Josefina Arruti Avenue will be able to get to know her a little more in depth.
(Submitted on October 3, 2023.) 

2. Josefina Arruti (Wikipedia, in Galician). (Submitted on October 3, 2023.)
Credits. This page was last revised on December 20, 2023. It was originally submitted on October 3, 2023, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California. This page has been viewed 40 times since then and 4 times this year. Photos:   1, 2, 3, 4, 5. submitted on October 3, 2023, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.

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