“Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History”
“Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History”
Teotihuacán de Arista in Teotihuacán, Mexico State, Mexico — The Central Highlands (North America)

Teotihuacan After Its Abandonment

Teotihuacan After Its Abandonment Marker image. Click for full size.
Photographed By J. Makali Bruton, December 2, 2017
1. Teotihuacan After Its Abandonment Marker
Teotihuacan tras su abandono
Después del abandono de la ciudad, diferentes grupos, como los toltecas y mexicas, se asentaron en el Valle de Teotihuacan y reocuparon algunas de sus áreas por considerarlo un lugar sagrado. Ellos construyeron nuevos edificios ubicados alrededor de la Pirámide del Sol, en donde realizaban actividades de culto. Entre las construcciones hay un temascal, utilizado para el baño de vapor y otros edificios de carácter habitacional, mismos que tal vez fueron ocupados por los grandes señores.

Varios relatos históricos mencionan que tras el abandono de Teotihuacan hubo una ocupación de otros grupos en el área sagrada de la gran metrópoli. Por ejemplo, en el Códice Matritense de la Real Academia de la Historia, escrita en el siglo XVI, se puede leer:

“En seguida... todos se pusieron en movimiento: los ninitos, los viejos, las mujercitas, las ancianas... muy despacio se fueron, allí vinieron a reunirse en Teotihuacan... alli se estableció el señorío. Los que se hicieron señores fueron los sabios, los conocedores de las cosas ocultas, los poseedores de la tradición. Luego se establecieron allí los principados...y toda la gente hizo allí adoratorios al sol y a la Luna, después hicieron muchos adoratorios menores. Allí hacían su culto y allí se establecían los sumos sacerdotes...
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Una pirámide es como un pequeño cerro, sólo que hecho a mano.”

Pie de dibujo:
Cientos de años después de que fuera abandonada, la antigua ciudad de Teotihuacan era admirada y respetada. Incluso, los mexicas se llevaron de aquí varios objetos que fueron encontrados en lo que hoy es la ciudad de México, D.F. Además, existen algunos códices donde se representan las pirámides de la Luna y del Sol.

In çatepan in cuac oquihualcàcauhque in altepetl, occequi tlatlacà, matê Tolteca tlatlcà, ihuan Mexica tlatlacà occepa omochàchanhuìque ipan in tlamayantli in Teotihuacan tlalli ihuan oquimoàaxcatique in tlen cachto yecatca. Ininque occepa mocaltepanchichiuhque itlan in caltepamitl ihuan itlan in Tonatiuh Teocalli, in canin cuali occepa moteochihuaya ipampa ininque huehueyi caltecpanchichihualtin.

Mimiyac amatlanonotzaltin quitohua in quenin occepa omochàchantique in occequi tlatlacà, in catepan in cuac in Teotihuacan tlacà yacmo catcà ompa, in queman occepa omochàchantique ipan inin hueyi altepetl. In amatlanonotzaltin onca in tlen itoca Codice Matritense de la Real Academia de la Historia, in tlatlacà in aquintin oquinonotzque in Sahagun, in aquin quitohua: “in çatepan…mochtin moolinique: in coconé in coltin, in cohuatoton, in ciciti…can yolic oyàque, ihuan ompa ohualmonechicoque in ompa Teotihuacan…in ompa omochanhuique.
Teotihuacan After Its Abandonment Marker image. Click for full size.
Photographed By J. Makali Bruton, December 2, 2017
2. Teotihuacan After Its Abandonment Marker
In aquintin omochiuhque in tlanahuatique ininque in aquintin hueyi itlamachiliz quipiaya, in aquintin quimàmatiayà in tlen àmo mochi momati, in aquintin quimatia in cachto tlanemiliz in catepan in ompa omochanhuique altepeme tecutin…ihuan mochi omochiuhque in àmo huehueyi teotlachihualiztli. Ompa mochihuaya in teotlamachiliz ihuan in ompa mochihuayà in teteopixque… Ce teocalli ixtlachiya in quenin ce àmo hueyi tepetl, noço inin momachichluh.”

Teotihuacan After Its Abandonment
Following the city's abandonment, a number of cultural groups, such as the Toltecs and Mexicas, settled in the Valley of Teotihuacan and again occupied parts of the deserted metropolis. They constructed several buildings within the enclosure and the groups located around the Pyramid of the Sun in order to hold religious rites associated with these monumental edifices.

The occupation of the sacred area of the metropolis by post-Teotihuacan groups is referred to in various historical sources, as, for example, in the Matritense Codex of the Royal Academy of History, and Sahagún's Informers, which explains, "At once... they got on the move: small children, old people, young girls; elderly women... Quite slowly they left, they all came to gather in Teotihuacan... There the lordship was established. Those who became lords were the wise, the knowers of the
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occult, the holders of the tradition. Then the principates were established there…And all the people there made shrines (pyramids) dedicated to the Sun and to the Moon; later they made many lesser shrines. There they worshipped and there settled the high priests of all the people. A pyramid is like a small hill, but made by hand.”

Hundreds of years after it was abandoned, the ancient city of Teotihuacan was admired and respected. Even the Mexicas took from here several objects that were found in what is now Mexico City. In addition, there are some codices where the pyramids of the Moon and the Sun are represented.
Erected by Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH).
Topics. This historical marker is listed in these topic lists: Anthropology & ArchaeologyMan-Made FeaturesNative Americans.
Location. 19° 41.489′ N, 98° 50.656′ W. Marker is in Teotihuacán de Arista, Estado de Mexico (Mexico State), in Teotihuacán. Marker can be reached from Calle Paloma just west of Calle Tuxpan. This marker is along the southern base of the Pyramid of the Sun at the Teotihuacan Archaeological Site. Touch for map. Marker is in this post office area: Teotihuacán de Arista MEX 55880, Mexico. Touch for directions.
Other nearby markers. At least 8 other markers are within walking distance of this marker. Construction Systems of the Pyramid of the Sun (within shouting distance of this marker); Pyramid of the Sun (about 120 meters away, measured in a direct line); The Meaning of the Pyramid of the Sun (about 120 meters away); a different marker also named The Meaning of the Pyramid of the Sun (about 150 meters away); The Importance of the Pyramid of the Sun (about 180 meters away); Teotihuacan (about 180 meters away); A Ceremonial Incense Burner (about 180 meters away); a different marker also named The Pyramid of the Sun (about 210 meters away). Touch for a list and map of all markers in Teotihuacán de Arista.
Credits. This page was last revised on December 15, 2017. It was originally submitted on December 15, 2017, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana. This page has been viewed 155 times since then and 7 times this year. Photos:   1, 2. submitted on December 15, 2017, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana.

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